We are 5 students from the doctoral school of Health and Life Sciences from different institutes. We are determined and motivated to plan this two-day symposium as smoothly as possible for your enjoyment and hopefully new experiences. We are under the supervision of Frédéric Gros, and helped by Mélanie Muser, both in the study council of doctoral school.

Zakaria Boulahtouf


After obtaining a bachelor in molecular biology and genetics under the sun of Nice at the University Côte d’Azur, I went to Strasbourg to do a master’s degree in Immunology and Inflammation while being part of the IMCBio graduate school. Currently I am a second year PhD student at the Institute for Viral and Liver Diseases (U1110) where I am working on phosphoproteomic changes induced during hepatitis B virus infection. I also participate in practical courses given to undergraduate students to teach them biological and practical laboratory techniques.

Pietro Giraudo 

Molecular biologist

After a bachelor in molecular biology at the university of Nice, I did a master degree in molecular biology and genetics here at the university of Strasbourg, while also being a member of the IMCBio graduate school. Now I am a second year PhD student in the team of Dominique Gagliardi at the institut de biologie moleculaire des plantes (IBMP). My project focuses on the regulation of the poly(A) tails metabolism of mRNAs in our model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Since my first year of PhD I also participate in the practical courses for undergraduate students as a biochemistry teacher.


Molecular biologist

Originally from Strasbourg, I first completed my undergraduate studies in Molecular and Cellular biology at Unistra, followed by a master’s degree in molecular biology and genetics as well as the IMCBio’s graduate school program. I am currently a first year PhD student at the IGBMC (Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology) working on the coupling of messenger RNA translation and decay. As doing experiments by myself was not enough, I also teach biochemistry to undergraduate biology students. Still having a surplus of energy, I like to spend it while running, hiking, biking or playing the piano. 


As a student at the University of Strasbourg, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Life Science, as well as my master in Immunology and inflammation in 2022. Currently, I am a 1st year PhD student at UPR3572 (Christopher Mueller, IBMC). My goal is to study sensory neurons-macrophages in a context of an arboviral infection. Apart from science, I am interested in illustrations, animation and reading.

Charlène Sueur

Pharmacist – Molecular biologist

I started my pharmacy degree in Amiens then Lille in 2015, to complete with a double degree Pharmacy/Master of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at Paris-Saclay. Currently, I am a 1st year phD student in Epigenetic at UMR-7242, in Weber’s team (ESBS, Illkirch-Graffenstaden). My thesis project, supported by ITI Innovec and in collaboration with Inserm UMR-S1113 (Hautepierre), aims to optimize and deliver a targeted demethylation system of a tumor suppressor gene in gastric cancer cells,. In addition to my research activities, I am also a teaching assistant at the School of pharmacy.Finally, not being a native of the region, I am very happy to be in Alsace to enjoy the Alsatian cuisine and to hike and bike around.

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